Nous présentons des renseignements pour vous aider à générer des idées et à exécuter votre stratégie.

Le Forex trading se présente souvent étant une discipline difficile. Cependant de nombreux traders bénéficieront de l'expertise unique et professionnelle auprès des brokers et analystes expérimentés d'Aston Forex.

Our award-winning research team and experienced trading desk provide expert insight and actionable ideas whenever the market warrants to help keep you on top of breaking news, the latest technical movements, and key events that may affect currency rates. You'll be up-to-date on important economic events, price movements, trends, and general market developments.



Notre équipe de recherche primée et nos trading desks expérimentés sont présents pour partager des idées pragmatiques et vous aider à garder le contrôle lors des dernières nouvelles, des derniers mouvements techniques, et pendant des événements clés qui peuvent affecter les taux de change. Vous serez mis à jour sur d'importants événements économiques, les mouvements de prix, des tendances et des évolutions générales du marché.


RECHERCHE sur mesure

Solid data and timely information are critical for anyone needing to stay abreast of the changing environment in futures, cash and  forex markets. By providing a broad research offering, we can help clients evaluate market trends and identify potential trading opportunities across a wide range of financial and commodity asset classes.

Aperçu de la recherche

AstonMarkets’s Brokerage Research team is recognized for its innovative, objective research that explores a wide range of topics related to market dynamics and portfolio construction.

Our Research Snapshots are designed to analyze a broad group of thought-provoking issues related to alternative investments in a brief, manageable format.

Contact now our analyst team



AstonForex  reports combine a chartist’s approach with traditional and proprietary indicators and pattern recognition to evaluate directional moves, identify price targets, and scan the markets for potential trade ideas.

Forex Focus - These brief but powerful reports are packed with technical views and trading sentiment based on daily and weekly analysis for EUR/USD, USD/JPY and GBP/USD pairs. Each edition of Forex Focus provides a core entry and exit strategy for each pair.

Technical Analysis - Designed to help you optimize the timing of your trades, Technical Analysis focuses on emerging technical signals for all our currency pairs — see up to seven intraday updates (from the London session's open through the close in New York) plus daily and weekly updates, then review trade scenarios that include specific entry and exit points.

Technical Indicators - Customize daily views for all our currency pairs with only the technical indicators you care about. Choose from popular bullish and bearish indicators like MACD, Bollinger Bands, RSI and more

Japanese Candlesticks - Scans all underlying trends to identify specific candlestick patterns, uncovering potential trend reversals and acceleration details. Includes doji, engulfing, harami, piercing line, hammer, morning star, evening star, dark cloud cover, and more – a perfect complement to the Technical Analysis and Technical Indicators tools.

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Signaux de Trading d'Aston Forex

C'est facile à suivre: Flèche verte à Acheter. Flèche rouge à Vendre

  • Les signes sont actualisés en temps réel, 24 heures par jour
  • Six stratégies dans 12 paires de devises
  • Examinez le pourcentage des trades rentables
  • Voir le profit moyen par trade

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